Monday, January 3, 2011

"You can take ______'s place!"

I want to write a book called "Memoirs of the Replacement Family Member". Allow me to explain...
Many a time, I have attended a "family dinner" with myself and a friend's family. At most of these events, I have been dubbed the stand in for some sibling that is away at school, married, or something such as that. Now, I am super blessed with these families. I feel like I have multiple sets of parents and I love having a friendship with my friend's siblings as well.

But, sometimes it kinda sucks not having any friends over for family dinners with MY family. I don't mean to sound dramatic or depressed, cuz I'm not upset, it's just not an experience I ever really get. I don't need to, nor will I get into a big explanation of my family life. I think most people know the unique situation my family is, and I love them. I really, really do. But in all honesty, I do get a little jealous of a lot of the families I know.
I know all of my friends "hate" their siblings at times or get tired of having their parents around all the time, but I also have heard those same friends share how much they love their family, and how their siblings are their best friends.

I really hope that God has a nice sized family planned for my future. I want my kid's to have parents who are friends with their parents. I want my whole family to be invited over to another families house every once in a while. I want my wife to be able to say "The (last name)'s are coming over for dinner this Sunday".

I've been sitting on this post for a while. My mind has just been really focused on family since Thanksgiving was so great with my siblings and their families in California. I really hate that I never get to see them and Thanksgiving was such a blessing getting to have a big family time and then my Christmas was just, pretty small.

Don't get me wrong. I love my family, and I am really blessed. I have two great sets of parents and 6 awesome siblings. I hope that when I have a family, my kids will get all that too, but just at the same time. Sometimes having a big SEPARATE family gets to me a bit more than usual, especially around the holidays.

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