Monday, February 8, 2010

Riddle me this and minor thought.

Here's what I don't understand... and this is a bit difficult to admit because sometimes, having questions (as a Christian) makes us feel vulnerable with our faith... and we don't like that.

I know we are supposed to live life for God, not others.
I know we need to have a positive, Christian attitude towards things and HATE sin. God doesn't say just not approve of it, we are supposed to DESPISE it.
In doing so... we probably shouldn't laugh at that inappropriate comment or joke... because it's bring a positive light to something we are supposed to HATE.

But in today's world, if you get all serious on those things, like when anybody makes "funny" comments, or swears or something like that... it's a turn off. I think most of us just try to not go with it. Like, I do not swear... but others do and when I used to tell people not to... it made people say it made me a jerk cuz I "thought I was above other people". So now when people swear or make comments, I don't say anything. And when people apologize I say "I don't mind. I just choose not to do it." I can't help but think I shouldn't do that. I guess the best way to handle that would to just say "thankyou" when people apologize.
It's just tough. It's hard to stay FRIENDS with the WORLD without being OF the world. That balance of "hating the sin" without seeming like you "hate the sinner" is a really delicate one that varies from person to person.

Minor thought,
God's really testing my patience right now on some stuff. (patience is the wrong word... let's say perseverance)
There are a couple of things (I won't get into detail) that I've been praying about for a while. I finally see God moving in them but it's hard for me not to want to just rush to the end result. I know I gotta work with his timing though. Gotta love chances to grow... haha

I need to go to bed...sleep til I wake up... and go to work hopefully healthier than today.
One day to be sick is all I have time for. So much to do.

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